Is Your Financial Mindset in the ten percent or ninety percent?
Many times in business it is hard to understand how to think properly because the financial institutions, financial planners, and many accountants are always spouting their party line. The party line is to follow what the financial institutions tell you, which results in them getting richer and the consumer getting poorer!
Wealthy people think and act differently from the masses. They understand building businesses and creating wealth and that financial freedom is when your wealth works for you and not you for it.
The financial institutions and their representatives want you always working for your money. They want you to work for them which is what has happened when you invest your money with them, and follow their strategies. As long as you are giving them your money you are working for them and not having your wealth work for you.
Under these conditions it is impossible for your wealth to work for you, it is working for them. It is working for the financial institutions and the people who run them. They are practicing wealth creation strategies at your expense.
In order for you to win in this financial world you must think like a financial institution and not like a consumer. You must run your business as a business person and not like a purchaser of goods and services.
If you have a home based business you must think like a business person and, not like the end user who is buying your products. You must structure your business in such a way so if you decide to leave and travel around the world, your business will still thrive and grow as if you were there physically.
How is this done? If you can't hire employees than you need to use tools. What makes a business run is marketing to the end user, either through people or using tools. One of the most powerful tools on the Internet for marketing is Leads-O-Matic and Veretekk. These systems will almost run your business for you. If you have a home based business you need these tools.
If you want to learn more about the ten percent way of thinking tune into my Internet radio show every Friday, 9:00 AM EST and listen live or download past episodes. If you have i-Tunes you can download the episodes into your i-Pod for free.
Thanks for reading this article,
Dr. Raymond Jewell
Raymond Jewell PhD
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