Friday, August 31, 2007

How to Achieve Financial Freedom!

There are so many websites that tell you that if you follow their business opportunity you will achieve financial freedom. Many financial planners tell you that following their strategies will give you financial freedom. This could be the farthest from the truth!

The truth is that wealth comes from you, no matter what you do. If you look back through history and find out what the wealthy people did you will find that they understood the power of imaging. Wealth is not created by someone else it is created by you; therefore you have to learn how to do it.


I wanted to find out why the wealthy were wealthy so I started reading biographies and autobiographies of wealthy people to find out whether they were gifted at birth or not. I found out that they were not gifted but did one thing differently than the masses. As I kept reading I stumbled upon a book that summarized my readings.

This book written by Napoleon Hill, titled "Think and Grow Rich" gives you insight into how to become rich. Napoleon Hill met with Andrew Carnegie and asked him how he got so wealthy. Carnegie told him and gave him letters of introduction to some of the wealthiest people in the world and sent Hill to meet with them, to find out what they did. Hill followed Carnegie's instructions and met with these people to find out how they became so wealthy.

When they told him, Hill was amazed. He found out that they were all doing the same thing, but they had never met and discussed this with each other. Hill found out that they all were "imaging and visualizing" what they wanted, and had a clear image of what they wanted, and when they wanted it.

Once I heard this I thought, "no this is not a coincidence, the universe is very deliberate and this is too much of a deliberate action". I started reading more books and then found out that after the Civil War there was a huge outcropping of self development writings. These writings were "metaphysic" in nature and talked about "imaging and visualization" therefore the information on how to create wealth through "imaging and visualization" was readily available.

After the Civil War these writings were being read by the actually people who were putting these practices in motion. These people made history and became titans of wealth that made America great. The real wealth in the United States started to grow after the Civil War and can be traced back to the self development writings that cropped up after the War. Remember, there were no radios, or TV's, to distract the people so they became avid readers.

Andrew Carnegie at one time actually worked in a library and read all the time. He was not unlike the other wealthy people. They all read and continued to learn. They were quick to think "outside of the box" and accept new ways of thinking. These wealthy people were extremely focused and once they accepted a way to do things they stayed with them.

As I started to read these writings and learned what these wealthy people learned. I learned what Andrew Carnegie knew, what Rockefeller knew, Vanderbilt, and many others. Through the advent of the internet these writings became more accessible to the public but before then a great amount of digging had to take place. In any event this information became accessible to anyone who wanted to find it.

Once I discovered this information I learned that through out this entire amount of information there was no delivery system. So, I found out that all of these wealthy people managed to put this information into practice without any kind of teaching aid. They had no guide to assist them but they managed to "image and visualize" their way to success.

As I found out more about this "imaging and visualization" concept I managed to find a course that was put together in the late 1800's to teach people how to create better lives and have what ever they imagined or wanted. This course was again metaphysic in nature and dealt with the power of the subconscious mind. It was outlawed by the church [It was said that anyone who took this course would automatically elevate their station in life which the Victorian church did not like.] and then went underground.

The course established that the subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between imaginary and real, it thinks that everything you think about is real; therefore the subconscious mind must bring in to reality what you think about. In modern day we have learned about "imaging and visualization" in sports and how effective it is in causing athletes to actually play the game they way they visualize it. The same results will occur in the rest of your life and these old courses and writings taught these wealthy people to practice these concepts long before it was thoroughly understood how it worked.

A lot of the old writings drew on information from ancient times that many of the old philosophers taught and delivered it to the people based on the current language of the times after the Civil War. This information came from ancient Greece and Rome and the Holy Bible. This concept is as old as time, but still was shunned by many. This is why only a small amount of people control the majority of wealth. It will always be a small amount of people controlling the majority of wealth because the majority of people will find this information silly or will not have the focus to stick with what they are doing.

As I read this information and studied the course I found that I realized the simple fact, that the subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between imaginary and real, and that it thinks everything, is really a gift from God. Our creator has given us the tools to become wealthy and live the life we imagine, but we don't use them. These tools are innate to our system but they have been taught out of us.

As I learned more I started teaching it to clients and to my surprise clients found that it worked. They started reaching higher levels of wealth and learning how to focus on what they wanted and watch it happen. I developed a Life and Financial Imaging® Matrix and trademarked the process. This process is now used through out the world to coach many clients to wealth through visualizing. By taking all of the information and putting it into a delivery system, simulating the feelings of having wealth within the clients feeling systems then clients are able to see and feel the wealth coming into their lives.

One of the important things the ancient system lacked was addressing that people have to grow through feeling stages as they acquire wealth. It would be impossible to have wealth without growing as it grows in your life. "If you were put anywhere else on the planet and asked to get back to your current income you could do it very easily. But if you were asked to double or triple your income you would have trouble because you don't know what it feels like. So in addition to using the old imaging and visualization techniques we have coupled it with the feelings and emotions as you achieve your wants and dreams. We are able to let you feel it before you get it! Once you know what it feels like than when it materializes you will know it.

Modern scientists have proven that "matter is in the universe" and that through natural laws we are able to create our wants and dreams. Without getting into physics and metaphysics it is at least fitting to point out that our world is very complex and has natural laws that are in place to keep everything in forward motion. Also these laws are necessary in human development. A law in particular is the "Law of Attraction" which will bring to you what you want when you want it. Through this law anyone, without discrimination, can achieve what ever they want all they have to do is understand how the law works.

If you were to Google "The Law of Attraction" you would have many pages on the subject. You can read as much as you want and if you are good at putting into practice what you read then you can begin to achieve and attract right away. Most people don't have the ability to do this without coaching. This is why we developed "Personal Economic Coach" to address this problem and guide people to success and wealth by putting the many tools together and pointing our clients in the right direction.

There are many places that talk about practicing the law of attraction but few that actually have a delivery system that guides individuals to achieve it. The recent movie "The Secret" is a fabulous delivery system to educate people into the concept but once again there is no how to. The practice of the "law of attraction" is left up to the individual. Or, if there is any type of system people are charging large sums of money to deliver information that is free. Our charge is nominal, and it's simply for putting it together. If we are asked to coach clients then we charge only for our time, and on a Risk Reversal Basis.

I recently did a Podcast on this topic and you can learn more about our Life and Financial Imaging® Process and Personal Economic Coach™ process by downloading the Podcast or listening on line. Just click on the name Podcast and you will be taken to the show. is the link to other shows.

Dr. Raymond Jewell

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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