Sunday, September 16, 2007

Financial Freedom News…



SEO for a novice…


In this issue I want to talk about SEO [Search Engine Optimization ]. Do you want to get your business or webpage to the top of the search engines? Are you confused as to how the other websites are able to reach top positions?


Worry no more! Beginning in this issue, I will begin to give you suggestions on how to get your business to top positions. Each issue will assist you in getting your "name out there" and get to a top position.


When someone tells you they know what they are talking about don't listen to them. Go Google their name and see how good they are. I once got an e-mail from someone who said that they would get me top positions in the search engines, and that if I paid them a chunk of money they would make me successful. I typed their name in Google and found out that they could not even market themselves. This person only showed up once or twice, and then it referred to them as spammers.


I then knew that this person could not help me or anyone else. All they were doing was taking unsuspecting peoples money. Don't let this happen to you! When people tell you that they have the answer Google their name with "quote marks" to drill down into the important data. If they take up a few pages, than they are able to get themselves exposure, and if they can do it for themselves, than they might be able to help you.


With this little bit of information you now know more than most, but don't stop here. You can learn a lot more and be you own expert. When I started several years ago, to learn how to market on the internet, I was like you limited in knowledge, or if you are already an expert what I am going to tell you will be of great assistance.  


I was tired of paying large sums of money to people who promised to deliver great things, but after much expense I realized that these people knew very little about SEO. So I started poking around the internet and discovered a system called Veretekk. How I discovered Veretekk is unknown, but when I signed up for the fr33 Silver System and started learning how to use it I was glad I signed up. I discovered that I had available to me training, that I could go to anytime I wanted, to learn. This training allowed me to understand how to use the Veretekk System.


This news letter is dealing with learning SEO and where to get the training. You could pay thousands of dollars or pay nothing. Veretekk, and it's Veretraining, cost nothing. Taking advantage of this offer is a powerful way to learn SEO and be able to handle your own search engine optimization, but if you don't and need to oversee others who are doing the job, in both cases you will be fully equipped to handle both situations.  


It will take you a little time to learn, but it is worth the investment. The time invested will save you a lot of wasted money and also wasted time. Spending time to learn is a great investment and the results will be realized in short order. When I started to learn I literally knew nothing about SEO but the professional trainers taught me SEO like I never expected. These trainers are from all over the Globe and give their time to teach others how to get top positions for their business. With top positions you will be able to get leads for your business and watch your business grow.


When I signed up for Veretekk I knew nothing, but today I am able to get decent positions with my businesses. I am still working and learning to get higher positions. I am seeing leads come in today on a more consistent basis, with an increase in the amount of leads changing weekly. I am continued to be amazed as to how much I have learned and know that you can take this information and run with it too.


One of the most important things to remember is that you will get impatient while learning, I know because I did. But, I gave myself one year to learn and if I didn't know what I was doing within this time frame I was going to give in, to the so called professed SEO people. Actually, while I learned I put the information into practice and got my business to an acceptable level in the search engines and started to get leads and calls before the year was up. The leads that I got were qualified and solid. The time spent learning was well invested.


Today I am amazed as to the knowledge that I have acquired and my understanding of the internet is a lot greater than ever before. My quest for SEO knowledge has not wavered and continues stronger. The cost to learn was simply investing in the Veretekk Gold System, and a few other tools that a found I needed to assist me in my marketing efforts. [Yes, I upgraded to the Veretekk Gold System immediately once I saw the incredible value it provided.]



Thanks for reading,


Dr. Raymond Jewell


Master Distributor


Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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