Monday, September 17, 2007

Leads-O-Matic Is The Mule!


Years ago there was a Farmer who had a mule.  This mule would lead his plow, would lead his wagon, and when he went to church on Sunday would lead his carriage.  The Farmer had a problem with the mule which was that the mule from time to time did not want to take the lead, and would stop dead in his tracks.   The Farmer was used to this behavior by the mule. But because he needed the mule to lead his wagon he was willing to overlook this animal's obnoxious behavior.


The Farmer knew when the mule got like this, and decided not to lead the carriage, he had to get the mules attention.   Every time this happened and the mule decided not to lead the carriage the Farmer took out his "two by four" board and hit the mule.   The mule would then have to make a decision as to whether he wanted to get hit again by the farmer, or lead the wagon. In most cases the mule decided to lead the wagon and go about their journey or task.


Many times people are like the mule they need something to get their attention. How many times have you had someone offer you help but you rejected it for whatever reason? When we reject help, many times we end up continuing our long arduous journey struggling to get things done, when had we listened to the person offering help our lives would've been made much easier.


Well here's the help!


Leads-O-Matic is the mule the can pull your wagon to get massive amounts of leads for you and allow you to grow your business far beyond your wildest dreams without stopping. Every business needs a mule to keep the business going, but they need a mule that won't stop in midstream.


The above dialogue was designed to get your attention and also to show you good search engine optimization centered around the keyword lead. You see the search engine spiders don't know the difference between whether the content I am writing is relevant to the reader and the subject or not. All they're looking for are the words.


Growing your business through good search engine optimization and the use of proper tools can assist you in getting your business into top positions on the Internet. Writing content, whether Pulitzer Prize winning or not, it doesn't matter. What matters is content with keywords.


In addition to writing good content for the Internet and placing it in different places it is always equally important to promote your website and the keywords associated with it. Leads-O-Matic can do this and get you leads to help you grow your business but more importantly work for you day and night, night and day, without fail.


If you are the Mule then Leads-O-Matic is the 2x4!


Dr. Raymond Jewell


Master Distributor


Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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