Saturday, October 27, 2007

Inspirational Book

Enrichment. What is your intended purpose? With the right attitude, this day anything is possible.
D Anthony is known for his straight to the point writing style concerning life.  The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once is gaining notoriety and presence amongst the readers of Google.  The untapped resources in the human soul comes to full light when this book is delved deeply into.  What a true work of inspired reading material as D Anthony guides you through a series of short stories that lead to the one significant point.  We all have a choice.  What we do with this day, it totally and undeniably up to each man woman and child on this planet.
Find below some of the titles of the short stories contained with The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once.  I think that you will find this book of interest not from a strictly esoteric view, but down to earth truisms that speak loudly and clearly on the ways to effectively approach life.  D Anthony is a true asset to inspirational writers everywhere who spend their valuable time and talents creating successful and positive ways to approach life.  Find the book link in highlights below.

Sharing food for thought, something to ponder - think on from this book.

A book of purpose, faith, hopes, dreams, potential & losing a love one. This book shares on the highs and lows in life & death.

What you do tomorrow has impact on others & me the following day - for better or worse.

The author shares he was minding his own business, he was calmly working on figuring out where he was & what had happened. Then, all of a sudden, it happened ....

For no apparent reason, this woman whom he didn't know, lifts him up, smiles at him, then slaps him. Welcome to life! .... The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me ..... Once.

Real success can be measured only by way of opportunities made, not opportunities granted.

From Mother Teresa to Madonna, from William Shakespeare to Bill Gates, from Albert Einstein to Nelson Mandela, from Bill Clinton to the guy who created the Post-it Notes, each of these individuals has, through idea, belief, & deed affected countless people, in their own unique way, changing the world we know.

What is your intended purpose?

What is the bankable asset you have that can motivate you & positively affect the lives in the world around you?

When Things Are Unfair ... fair does not require that everyone possess the same mindset & capabilities.

As Les Brown, put it: "When life knocks you down, remember you have to look up to get up."

Nothing has ever knocked the author down with the intensity, heartache & sorrow, as the loss of his mother. He felt bitterness & pain.

The truth is, from time to time, life is going to knock us down.

At the age of nine, the author came across a book in the school library, with a simple message.

While she didn't have many friends, she would skate day in & day out. Skating was who she was.

Her neighbors didn't understand. All that mattered to her was doing what she enjoyed & she wasn't in need of anyone else's blessing.

After the author finished college, started his career, a conversation caused him to remember Miss Tessie Tate. He began to search for this book. The book was no longer in print & inquires to his elementary school for information went unsatisfied. The librarian had not even heard of Miss Tessie Tate.

A book service search was able to track down a copy for him.

Miss Tessie Tate was about being true to yourself. It was about the power of self determination. It was about deciding the direction that was/is best for you & not letting anyone turn you around.

The author of Miss Tessie Tate - Jean Horton Berg.

The author wondered how different our youth would be if school systems mandated inspirational & motivational reading materials as part of the required curriculum.

With the right attitude, this day anything is possible.

Everyday, there is fascinating new territory to discover, & every where you turn, there is even more purpose.

Maintain an open, positive mindset everyday.

When life presents us with tragedy, we must not only strive to survive it but to learn from it, prosper from it & grow.

What will it take to make you happy?

How do we get there? It all starts & ends with our mindsets. To be truly happy, it is necessary to surround ourselves with a wealth of positive, inspiring experiences, people, & thoughts.

Attitude is everything.

People & stocks are similar. While on any given day, for one, the returns may not be as expected, appreciable wealth is best realized when we invest meaningfully in a sensible, diversified manner.

Tomorrow, take the time to do something for yourself.

We are here for a purpose.

What step, big or small, can you take today to change your direction?

Stress -- Whatever it takes, get off the train.

When was the last time you felt powerless? Have you ever felt lost, ignored, victimized, or forgotten? When was the last time you felt completely alone?

Above all, stay humble, motivated, & impressionable. Know that you are blessed, opportunities abound, & life isn't quite finished with you yet.

Consider this:

life isn't fair

bad things happen to good people

rain will fall in our lives

failure can occur

sometimes life is more than fair

good things can happen to good people, & can be better appreciated as a result of the bad things

the sun can, & will, dry the rain

failure cannot occur without the decision to give up

What you do from here is up to you.

Death -- it's also necessary we use it, to be more motivated, passionate, & happy, to be more appreciative of the time we have & the people we spend it with, & remind us to live every precious moment & love it has to offer.

Five years later & the author shares it stills hurts from losing his mother.

He shares if you still happen to be blessed enough to be able to touch your mom's face, to hear your mother's voice, go to her, call her, do whatever it takes. Hug her, kiss her, tell her you love her.

Every day is a blessing, & every blessing a gift from God. Spend your blessings wisely.

D. Anthony is the author of "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me ... Once."

D Anthony-Inspirational Author


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