Monday, March 17, 2008

Buy Customers Not Leads, What a Novel Idea!

If you could buy a paying customer for the same price as a quality lead what would you do?
If you could buy a customer that is paying for a product already would that be better than buying a lead that you have to sell? Now you are probably already saying what are you nuts! Of course I would buy a customer but who would sell a customer ,they are too hard to get?
If I told you there is a business that you could get into where you could buy already existing customers would you take action? All you have to do is go to an on-line meeting and listen to the information. Now just because you are allowed to come to the on-line meeting doesn't mean that you can get into the business. You have to be interviewed! I know it sounds crazy but the business plan is firm and requires that everyone in the business is sincere and wants to make passive income. This is not your "run of the mill" scam, hype or lie, it is serious.
I am personally going to invite any reader to come and listen to the information then they can decide for themselves if it is right for them. When I heard this I thought "What, are you kidding me, purchase leads". Who in their right mind is going to sell commissions! When I heard the information I could not believe what I was hearing, I had to listen several times and yes it was true. I went to my calculator and figured out that by buying paying customers I could get commissions and then get a serious return on my money. WOW!
I signed up and got a whole bunch of customers within a 24 hour time frame. So far so good! The whole concept is unique, and since any company that is willing to place already purchasing customers into a downline for a small price is confident of their business and it is not just another company out to get peoples money. I guarantee that you have never seen anything like this before. You should go to and sign up.
What do you have to lose? Just check it out.
Thanks for reading,
Dr. Raymond Jewell

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