Wednesday, June 4, 2008

AGEL Leads

Agel provides amazing products based on their proprietary Suspension
Technology formula. These nutritional supplements are made only from
the finest vitamins, minerals and herbs from around the world.

One Agel product - MIN - has recently been enhanced with more
minerals.  The new Agel MIN now provides not only the same essential
vitamins available in the original MIN, but now has a full 75% of the
RDI for essential minerals to build a body full of stamina.

The Agel MIN product provides what everyone needs to live a healthy
life.  Agel MIN contains the exact daily amounts of essential
nutrients to help overcome a person's unhealthy eating habits.

Highly processed foods that have become more about convenience instead
of good nutrition, has become the norm for many of us.  Many of us are
being deprived of the nutrients that maintain our health by diets high
in sugars and fats but low in vitamins and minerals. This
unfortunately, keeps many of us from performing our best. Agel has
developed MIN to give a person the exact amounts of the essential
vitamins we all need everyday.

Agel MIN provides 100% of the recommended daily intake of 12 essential
vitamins and up to 75% of 10 essential minerals. This is much better
than the megadose supplements you find available on the market. Many
of the nutrients in these megadose supplements may not be absorbable -
and to make matters worse, huge doses of some vitamins and minerals
can be toxic.

Agel's revolutionary Suspension Gel Technology used in MIN provides
the correct amount of nutrients and maximizes their absorption.  For
those who want to maximize their vitamins and minerals intake while
minimizing the waste should try Agel MIN today.  This essential
nutrition is also great-tasting that's easy to swallow.

For more information on this great supplement go to Agel's website and
download the MIN Fact Sheet.

How do you plan to build your Agel Business?

Do you plan to bother your friends and family?

Will you try the 3 foot rule and ask anyone within shouting distance
if they would like to try your product or join your business?

Will you have to buy expensive Agel leads?

At the end of the day, all three of these methods just don't work to
build a successful business. Personally I hate buying leads - I am
tired of the hype and lies of the lead generation companies.  They
many times will take the same leads you bought and re-sell them to
other people who think buying leads is the only option for them. They
many times will re-sell the leads you just bought to several other
lead generation companies. It becomes a vicious cycle that never ends.


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