Friday, June 6, 2008

MLM Is Fertile Ground for Fools

MLM Is Fertile Ground for Fools
In my continuing research about MLM organizations listed on the search engine of Google, the more that I am convinced that almost all MLM companies are alike.  They appeal to the sensibilities of rational thinking individuals, and turn them into excited, motivated and inspired individuals for a brief period of time.  After only a short while with all these programs, people begin to see the true story.
Here is a fact of life that you need to become familiar with.  All MLM companies are designed to do just one thing.  That one thing is to make the owners a lot of money by creating false enthusiasm for the unwary online marketer, and doing their dead level best to get that man or woman to signup for the latest and greatest widget, at no concern at all if that person makes one dime in revenue.
I would be assured that all the so-called internet marketing gurus would disagree with this bold statement, but the facts are clear and concise.  Stop and ponder for one moment my words of wisdom concerning the whole structure of MLM businesses.  They cannot sell directly to the public.  An MLM company would have to completely retool their structure to become a real business interest in the broadest essence of the term.  MLM businesses must convince, coerce and sell their goods through distributors.  Oh these MLM owners tell others about the terrific business opportunities that lay before them, but in all actuality, almost all of them highly overstate the ugly truth.
The Internet is literally packed full of all types of jungle juices, gas pills, ebooks, downloads, games, vitamins, water, weight loss products, gifting programs and all sorts of stuff.  When I say stuff, I mean exactly stuff.  This is all stuff that you don't need.  If you needed this kind of stuff, you would simply go to GNC or Wal-Mart and make your purchase.  But no.  The super-networking MLM companies are telling you that this is the latest and greatest jungle juice that is only grown in remote areas of Sothern Tibet and the special berries are hand picked only by select girls that meet the requirements.  Their state of the art process facilities are multi-billion dollar organizations staffed by doctors specially trained in the art of berry juice extraction under the most stringent of quality control measures.
How ridiculous is that, really?  In all actuality, there is a processing plant that has shelves lined with all sorts of propriety jungle juice remedies just waiting for the new labels to be placed upon them for shipment to eager distributors.  These highly excited people are eagerly awaiting their prized new potion, because this could be the one, they are hoping and praying, that this will be the one that will offer them a way out.  This brand new jungle remedy holds all the keys to both financial rewards, but its also a well known and proven double blind studied fact, that this product is the new fountain of youth.
So, there you have a brief rundown of almost all MLM businesses found on Google today.  You may moan and groan that I am overstating facts, but clearly, these are the facts of the home business industry in modern times.  You are spending your hard earned money on stuff that you do not need, with the intent and purpose of selling this stuff to other people, that do not need it either.  The funny part of all of this is the fact in the back of your mind, you know that this is truth, but you fight and twist and turn in order to convince yourself and others, that this new product is the best that the Internet has to offer.
All of you MLM minded people are looking for the quick fix.  You are searching and spending money needlessly to find just the one thing, that will prove worthy this time.  Can I make a suggestion?  Take just a few moments out of your surfing day and learn the core of what I am talking about here.  For those that know me, I am not known for anything but bottom line truth.  I state the truth about things, even if it hurts me.
Another fact about MLM companies is that their owners are getting paid by you, the distributor, to promote their business.  Now think about this statement for just a moment.  Are you really a home business owner?  Do you have full control of the policies and procedures that run that MLM company?  Of course not!  You are simply a cog in the big wheel of jokes called multi-level-marketing.  You have fallen for the biggest lie of all in thinking that you are the business owner.  You are NOT being paid to promote their business.  You are PAYING for the privilege of promoting their business.
Henry David Thoreau said it best when he made the claim that "the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."  This segways beautifully into the modern advanced age of technology called the Internet.  In the grand scheme of things, there is really nothing new.  People have been network marketing for centuries.  They find a product or service and then they set about the path of finding people who are gullible enough to think that they cannot live with it.  The entire structure of our economy is based on this.  If you do not believe me, think about all the TV commercials that are claiming miracle drugs for the same maladies that have plagued people for years.  If you are not sick before you digest the commercials, then you certainly will need to "ask your doctor" over the next few months about how he can help you.
Take your time to choose a good business on Google.  Take your time to assimilate the facts about the MLM industry as a whole.  Be sure to read and digest the policies and procedures for any MLM company that you choose to become part of, to see if they really are a good business.  Arm yourself with knowledge, truth and education and you might, you just might, find that good business that you are searching for. 
I have coined a new phrase for MLM's.  I do not call it Multi-Level-Marketing.  I choose to call it Morons-Looking For-Morons.

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