Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sunrider Leads

Sunrider Leads in many ways. Sunrider leads in compensation. Sunrider also leads in Personal Care & Home Care products.

There are many direct selling and multilevel compensation plans available such as binary systems and straight systems. However, Sunrider compensation plan is unique and superior in several important ways, so is Sunrider Leads.

Don't take my word for it go do a Google search for Leads, or Sunrider Leads. Check out the thousands of pages and you will get my point.

You are able make money with Sunrider while you sleep.

Sunrider leads with a global compensation plan so you can do business in over 42 countries. This allows you to make money around the clock. Sunrider can pay you three times a month, but you only need to qualify once a month. Most plans which pay you weekly also require you to qualify weekly. If you don't work to qualify that week, you don't get paid! In Sunrider, many IBOs earn a stable residual income so they can take a long vacation or do philanthropic work without worrying about their next paycheck.

Another area that Sunrider Leads the way is in Sunrider Personal Care & Home Care products.

Sunrider Kandesn® Spa Bath Salt.

Designed so you can experience a wonderful spa treatment in the convenience of your own home, Sunrider Kandesn® Spa Bath Salt features a special blend of ingredients known for their therapeutic and tonic effects.

The primary ingredient is Dead Sea Salt. Unlike ordinary sea salt, which is primarily sodium chloride, Dead Sea Salt contains a broad variety of mineral salts and is rich in magnesium, potassium and bromide. The presence of these salts endows the waters of the Dead Sea with its tonic properties, which are known worldwide.

Sunrider enriched Spa Bath Salt also contains a special blend of Sunrider® herbal ingredients based on the complex Quinary® formulation, designed to keep the body's five major systems in balance by cleansing. When you soak in Sunrider Bath Salt, you soothe your senses through aroma therapy and relax your stressed, sore muscles while helping your whole body's skin achieve balance.

Sunrider Independent Business Owners can or will earn through participation in the Sunrider Compensation Plan. As with any other independent business, success results only from dedicated sales efforts, hard work, diligence, and leadership.

Ok so now that you are a Sunrider IBO, how are you going to promote your new Sunrider business? Many have been taught to go to their warm market (family and friends, fellow workers, people you do business with, Banker, Grocer, hair stylist ect.), And then to Free or Paid advertising. Others just tell you to buy Sunrider leads.

If you do a Google search for Sunrider leads, you will find there are a lot of lead brokers, some are obviously better that others, but the fact remains it is very expensive to buy leads. Why not buy customers?

Buy Customers Not Leads

If you would like to learn more about buying customers, come to our meetings on Saturday afternoons. You will learn the right approach to building your business on the net. Its just good business.

Its Good Business

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